Dave Lane

David Lane oversees all sales functions for our Non-alcoholic products. Following many years in the Grocery Business working for Safeway, Dave joined the company in 1987 as a way to supplement the meager income from his internationally renowned band, Havoc. He later moved to Sun Valley as Operations Manager. He has held many other positions in the organization including Sales rep, Coors Brand Manager, Sales Manager, and Sun Valley General Manager.
- Favorite car owned: 1969 Chevy Camero RS
- Least Favorite Food: Seafood, or anything that even skirts water
- First concert: Black Sabbath
- Favorite place to be 4pm on a Saturday: Watching College Football
- Favorite hobby: playing guitar
- Turn offs: Type “A” self-serving arrogant people (you know who you are)
- Special powers: The Jedi mind trick
- Favorite place to pitch a tent in Idaho: Redfish Lake
- I was born: Emporia, Kansas
- How many 5-year olds I could take in a fight: That depends… humans? or say, Mountain Lions..?